Grievance Form
You From * |
Your Name * |
Your Email ID * |
Your Contact No * |
Please share the link (URL) of the Page which you are reporting against : * |
Please tell us the reason for your complaint/concern. Choose an option which most closely matches with your concern. If you are unsure which option to choose, please select the last option. |
The content exposes personal data while violating Terms & Conditions and/or Privacy Policy of concerned website. |
The content is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic and/or unlawful in any manner. |
The content threatens the unity, integrity, defence, security or sovereignty of India and/or friendly relations with foreign states. |
The content infringes a patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights. |
The content encourages money laundering or gambling. |
The content hosts software viruses or any other computer code designed to harm the functionality of any computer resource. |
The content harms minors in any way. |
Please describe your complaint/concern in detail : * |
Please upload any supporting document(s) pertaining to the issue you are reporting: |
Please upload a GIF, PNG, JPG, PDF or JPEG file only and ensure that the file is currently not in use. [Maximum File Size Limit 2 MB] |
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