FAQ / Registration |
Why should I register with Crpljobs.com?
Crpljobs.com helps you find the right job matching your aspirations. Registering with Crpljobs.com enables you to:
1- Access and apply in one-click to more than 1 lakh jobs
2- Store and access your Resume online
3- Get your CV viewed by over 35000 recuiters who will contact you with un-advertized jobs.
4- Create multiple customized profiles and apply to a job using the most relevant profile.
Unregistered User |
Registered User |
Access Jobs on crpljobs.com |
Y |
Y |
Apply to Jobs on crpljobs.com |
Y |
Y |
Apply to Jobs in One Click |
N |
Y |
Get new jobs matching your profile on email |
N |
Y |
Access to unadvertised jobs |
N |
Y |
Create cover-letters and use them impress the recruiter |
N |
Y |
Create multiple profiles |
N |
Y |
Choice to get emails/calls directly from recruiters |
N |
Y |
Register Your Resume with Crpljobs.com
How can I post my Resume ?
To post your Resume at Crpljobs.com, click on the 'Post Resume' This takes you to the next step of filling up your personal and professional details. These details are important information that the recruiters look for. Once you’ve completed this, your profile registered with us. This is your default profile which is sent across to the recruiters when you apply for a particular job vacancy. We highly recommend you to fill all details so that you present recruiters a resume that is comprehensive and one that gets you the jobs you are looking for.
Register Your Resume with Crpljobs.com
How can I update/edit my Profile ?
You can update your profile only after you login to Crpljobs.com. Once you have logged in to your account, you see a snapshot of your active/default profile and contact information. To edit your profile, click on the View and Update link. You can make changes to your Profile by editing the relevant sections from the 'View and Update' page. It is recommended that you update your Profile regularly. Recruiters often contact only those candidates who have recently updated their profiles.
Does it cost to post my Resume ?
No, posting a Resume on Crpljobs.com is absolutely Free of Cost. In fact, you can create up to 5 customized profiles to suit specific jobs absolutely free.
How can I create a cover letter ?
To create a cover-letter you need to login to Crpljobs.com. Once you have logged in to your account, you are taken to the page that shows a brief summary of your account. To create a cover letter, click on the link ‘Cover Letter’ given on the left of the page. This takes you to a page that lists all your cover letters. Click on “Create a New Cover Letter” button on the right-side of the page. Once you’ve written the cover-letter, you can attach it to various profiles you have created. You can create and create up to 5 cover letters. A cover letter sent with a job application enables you to exhibit to a recruiter, information relevant to your application beyond what your CV provides.
I cant remember the password to my account. How can I login again ?
In this case, click on the ‘Forgot Login Details’ link at the right side on the Home Page or on the ‘Forgot Login Details?’ link on the Login Page as shown in the screenshot below. In order to retrieve your account password, you need to enter either your user name or the e-mail address specified in your resume. Once you have entered either of the two, a confirmation mail with password link to reset your password will be sent directly to your inbox.
How can I change the password to my account ?
Once you have logged in to your account, you are taken to the page that shows a brief summary of your account. To change your account password, click on the ‘Change Password’ link given at the left side as shown in the screenshot below. You would need to enter your old password and specify and confirm the new one. Once you specified and confirmed the new password, a confirmation mail will be sent directly to your inbox.
How can I update the contact details on my account ?
You can update your contact details only after you login to Crpljobs.com. Once you have logged in to your account, you are shown a brief summary of your profile and contact details. To update your email id, click on ‘Edit’ given in front of your Email ID shown on this page. Adding a new Email ID will initiate an email to verify if the new email address is entered correctly. Once the new email address is verified, you can delete the old email address or make the new Email ID your primary Email ID. To update your Phone Number, click on ‘Edit’ option in front of the phone number you had earlier specified. After entering a new one, click on ‘save’. Your profile will now reflect your new phone number.
Who all have access to my Resume ?
Once you have posted your Resume, all the recruiters who are registered with Crpljobs.com can access it. However, you can choose to block recruiters from certain companies from viewing your resume. You can select the companies to block by clicking on “Block companies” link on the left option bar, after you login to Crpljobs.com. Crpljobs.com regards privacy of our users to be extremely important. Hence, you have an option to decide on the visibility of your resume. If you do not want the recruiters to see your resume, click on the link ‘Visibility Settings’ under Settings tab on the left option bar. Setting the Resume Status to “Not Visible to recruiters” will ensure that the recruiters no longer have any access to your Resume. Even, if you have selected the ‘Not Visible to recruiters’ option, you can still search and apply for job vacancies using your Crpljobs account.
I do not want my current employer to have access to my Resume. How can I do that ?
You have an option to select companies to whom you do not wish to reveal your resume. Once you have logged in to your account, you are taken to the page that shows a brief summary of your account. Click on the ‘Block Companies’ link given towards the bottom left of the page. It takes you to the list of companies that are registered with Crpljobs.com. All you have to do is to select the name of your current company and click on ‘Block Companies’. This will ensure that your present employer no longer has access to your Resume.