FAQ / Job Alert |
What are the benefits of creating my personalized Job Alert?
Creating a Job Alert helps you find access to the latest jobs matching your aspirations. Based on the criteria that you have specified for your Job Alert, you get latest matching jobs in your inbox. You can create up to 5 personalized Job Alerts, each with different criteria.
To use the benefits of Job Alert, it is not necessary for you to be registered on the site. Creating a Job Alert, thus, helps you access latest job vacancies based on your job requirements. |
How is a Personalized Job Alert different from a regular Job Alert?
A personalized Job Alert sends jobs to your inbox based on the criteria defined by you. With a regular Crpljobs Job Alert too, you get Job vacancies sent directly to your inbox. But, while a Personalized Job Alert you have personalized search criteria, a Job Alert sends you job vacancies based on our understanding of your profile and job requirements.
I am not getting enough jobs in my inbox. What should I do?
Jobs are sent to your inbox either through a personalized Job Alert that you create or a Job Alert based on your profile.
If Job Alert based on your profile is not giving you enough jobs in your inbox, it is recommended that you complete your Profile and make it more comprehensive. Alternately, you can create Job Alert based on your own personalized criteria, if you have not created any. If you are not getting enough jobs in your inbox through personalized Job Alert, it is possible that the criteria defined by you is too narrow. Try adding more keywords, which allows us to find more jobs and thus send you jobs more often. It is highly recommended that you make sure the “keyword strength meter” shows strong while you create a personalized Job Alert.
I have saved a job(s) for future reference. How long is it going to stay on my account?
Once you have saved a job for future reference, it will stay on your account till the time it is live on the site. It is based on the recruiter's discretion or the time till that particular job vacancy is open.
I want only selected mailers from Crpljobs.com in my inbox. What should I do?
Once you have logged in to your account, you are taken to the page that shows a brief summary of your account. Clicking on Communication Settings in the Settings section gives you an option to select the mailers that you want to be sent to your inbox. Once you have clicked on Communication Settings , you have an option to select or deselect the appropriate mailers. Click on Save to continue receiving the chosen mailers. It will take up to 24 hours for the changes that you have made to be effective.
How can I delete a Job Alert?
Once you have logged in to your account, you are taken to the page that shows a brief summary of your account. To delete a Job Alert, click on the link “Delete” given under the Job Alert that you have created.
Alternately, you can delete a Job Alert by clicking on “Delete” in the Job Alert mail that you have received in your inbox.