Frequently Asked Questions

I dosnt see any jobs in the search result.
By deafult the result are shorted on Relevance, you can change this form the refine layer by passsing the icon on the top right side on the screen.
Where can i find the Saved Job?
You can access the saved job from the Jobs for you screen link in the main navigation
The recommended jobs are not revelant?
Please make sure that you have updated your keyskill in your profile. revelant and updates keyskill will help you us find the right job for you.
How many jobs can i apply in a month?
You can Apply to 100 jobs or above in a month
There is an error in update my profile
Please make sure that you have active interment connection or try again.If the issue still persistes contact
The title on the dashboard screen still show the exclamation mark even through i have filld everthing?
That means there is something thats need youattentio. for example in the Employement details selection, job profile, dind should be minmum 5 words.
When dose the apply limit get reset?
The apply limit is reset on the first day of every month
Recommended jobs are not getting updated?
If you dont see new job there, it means no new matching jobs have been posted since the last time you checke. it would be good idea to keep checking this screen every now and then for new job.