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FAQ > Resume Database (RESUMX)
How do I benefit from ResumX?
How can I search for resumes in ResumX?
What are the different search options available in ResumX?
What is the significance of keyword search in ResumX?
How can I search within results?
What is the significance of 'Available usernames'? What happens if I turn it ON or OFF?
What is meant by 'Reset sub-user'?
How can I keep track of user activity in my ResumX account?
How can I view details of a resume?
How can I contact candidates from ResumX?
How can I save resumes that I like during my search?
Can I create templates for the emails I wish to send to candidates rather than creating a new email message every time?
What is refine results / clusters?
What are resume alerts?
What do different icons on search results page indicate?
Can I add notes to the resumes for additional information or future reference?
How can I print a resume?
Is it possible to download the resumes that I like or wish to refer later on?
What is Resume Freshness?
How do I benefit from ResumX?

ResumX is the largest database of Jobseekers in India - over 40.9 million, having profiles of jobseekers from various industries, functions, locations and experience levels.

With a ResumX subscription you get to reach out to these jobseekers and hire them to meet your recruitment needs. ResumX offers:

  • an intelligent search engine that help in finding the right (most relevant) candidates with great ease.
  • various search options: advanced, role and custom – define and choose the way you’d like to search
  • the ability to refine your search by drilling down further through tools like search witin results and
  • eability to contact candidates by email/sms, shortlist, candidates, forward resumes, organize resumes in folders
  • regular alerts of resumes in your email based on the parameters you decide and at the frequency you want
How can I search for resumes in ResumX?
In case you are logged in as a Super-user, you can perform various administrative tasks and view MIS usage. However, to perform resume search you will need to login using a subuser account.

You can directly search in ResumX if you’re already logged in as a subuser.

This is how you can perform a search in ResumX if you are logged in as a superuser:

  • Login to ResumX.
  • Under “ResumX” tab, select ‘Search Resumes’. This’ll take you to a page listing the available sub-user names that you can use to login to ResumX and perform the search.
  • Select the desired sub-user from the ‘Username’ dropdown under ‘Available sub-user(s)’ tab.
  • Click ‘Login’. This will take you to the search page having multiple search options.
  • Click on the desired search tab [Advanced search, My search or Role search].
  • Enter your search criteria and finally click on ‘Search Resumes’ button.
What are the different search options available in ResumX?

You can search for candidates in our resume database using the following search options:

  • Advanced Search: Comprehensive search using multiple search criteria like keywords, experience, annual salary, current location, functional area, industry type, include/exclude specified employers. You can also set additional filters like diversity hiring [searching women candidates only], candidate’s age, work status for USA and other countries and set display options for the search results.
  • Role Search: Search based on functional area and roles. You can also set additional filters like diversity hiring [searching women candidates only], candidate’s age, work status for USA and other countries and set display options for the search results.
  • My Search: You can customize your search form and add/remove search fields that you use frequently.
What is the significance of keyword search in ResumX?

The Keyword field in the ResumX search form searches for the inputted keyword(s) in various fields of a resume. The keywords are searched for in the following fields of the resume:

  • Profile of the candidate
  • Summary of experience
  • Current Organization - you can look for people currently employed at certain companies by simply writing the company name in the keyword field
  • Designation - you can search for specific designations such as Marketing Manager, Team Leader, CTO, and CEO etc.
  • The educational institute name fields - you can search for graduates from IIT, IILM etc.
How can I search within results?

To further condense your search results and give you more precise results, you've the option to search within results. You can see this option in search results page

  • Click on ‘Search within Results’ on search results page.
  • Input the criteria in the ‘search within results’ text box, click Search
What is the significance of ‘Available usernames’? What happens if I turn it ON or OFF?

‘Available usernames’ shows the sub-user names that are not currently logged into ResumX and are available for use.

You need to be a Super-user to turn this feature ON / OFF. If you turn it ON, you will enable sub-user(s) of your account to see a list of usernames who are not using ResumX. Thus, they can select any of the idle usernames & login to the database.

Please note that you’ll be able to view the list of available sub-users only when you’ve permissions to do so else you’ll need to contact your super-user for this.

What is meant by 'Reset sub-user'?

You need to be a Super-user to turn this feature ON / OFF. If you turn it ON, you will empower sub-user(s) of your account to reset their login id if somebody has already logged into the ResumX with the same username.

In case you are a super-user, then you can reset any of the sub-user logins.  For this go to main menu and click on ‘Reset sub-user(s)’. From the listed sub-user names, click on the ones that you wish to reset and click the ‘Reset’ button.

How can I keep track of user activity in my ResumX account?

To view ResumX activity in your account over a period of time, you can generate and view the following reports after you login to account as a super-user [These reports are available to super-user only]:

  • Database Usage report: Displays the overall ResumX activity of the users of your company over a period of time.
  • User Login report: Displays the login details and activity of the users using ResumX. In the last month
  • Contacted Candidate MIS [available to sub-user only]: Displays the report on the candidates contacted by the sub-user. The data is available for last 7 days only and you can run the report for a specified duration.

Besides, you can also customize the reports’ display and choose the fields to be included.

You can access ResumX reports in either of the following ways:

  • Login to your recruiter's account » Go to section 'Reports and MIS' » Click on 'Database Usage Reports' or 'Login Report' under 'ResumX Reports'.
  • Login to ResumX » click on the tab 'Reports & MIS' » Click on either of these tabs: Database Usage, User login or Contacted Candidate MIS » Follow the instructions on the form and generate the desired report.

For later use, you can also download these reports in MS Excel format.

In case you wish to receive these reports in your mailbox at regular intervals, you can set daily, monthly, weekly alerts for these reports. However, this functionality is available only to a super-user.

How can I view details of a resume?

To view a resume:

  • Conduct a search
  • Click on the resume heading of the desired resume from the resume listing page

This will open the resume preview with its details
How can I contact candidates from ResumX ?
You can contact candidates in two ways:
  • Send out emails from your ResumX account to the candidates.

For contacting candidates through ResumX:
  • Select the desired resume(s) from the resume listing page
  • Click ‘Send mail’ from the actions listed at the top
  • From the form that shows up, select an existing email template or compose a new email to be sent to the candidate(s)
  • Attach a job (optional)
  • Preview and send the mail

You can also contact the candidates through SMS [you’ll need to select ‘Send SMS’ action in that case in step 2 above. However, this option is available only when you’re subscribed to our Insta Hire services. For details, please contact our sales team.

How can I save resumes that I like during my search?
To save the desired resumes from the search results page
  • Go to the search results page; check the box against the resume(s) you wish to save/move into a folder.
  • Click on the “Save to Folder” button at the top.
  • Follow the instructions in the window that pops up and save/move the resume(s).

To save the desired resumes from the resume details page
  • Click on the “Save to Folder” button at the resume preview page and follow the instructions.

The resume will be moved to the selected folder. This option is more time taking but is helpful when you wish to scan through the entire resume before moving it to a folder. Once you’ve saved/moved the desired resume(s) to the folder(s), you can view them from the folder itself
Can I create templates for the emails I wish to send to candidates rather than creating a new email message every time?
Yes, for this you need to create contact templates using these steps:
  • Login to your account
  • Go to ‘Resume database’
  • Click on the tab ‘Contact Templates’
  • Click the button ‘Create New Template’
  • This will open up a dialog box. Specify the template name, and subject, compile the email message and click on ‘Create’.

This template will be listed on the ‘Manage Contact Templates’ page in case you wish to modify it in the future. This will also be available in the ‘contact selected candidates’ form under ‘use saved template’ dropdown, after you click on ‘Send Mail’ button from the resume listing page.

What is refine results / clusters?
You can use the 'Cluster' functionality to further refine your search results. For example, after you've performed a search and wish to see the number of resumes against each 'role' in that search, you can use 'role cluster'. To view number of resumes against various CTC ranges, you can use 'CTC cluster' and so on.
What are resume alerts?
Resume alerts are the mails that you receive whenever any new resume matching your saved search criteria enters our resume database. This is to keep you updated on the latest matches against your saved searches.
To set alert settings and frequency:
  • Login to your account
  • Under ‘Resume database’, click on ‘Saved Searches’
  • On the ‘Manage Saved Searches’ page that comes up, click on the tab ‘saved searches’.
  • Check the saved search for which you wish to receive resume alerts via email
  • Click on ‘Edit Alert settings’ icon against that search
  • Follow the instructions on the dialog that comes up
What do different icons on search results page indicate?
  • Inactive jobseeker:  Candidate is not active on Crpljobs site for 1 year.
  • Resume modified after viewed: Resume has been modified by the candidate after it was last viewed by you
  • Contacted by Email: Candidate has already been contacted on email
  • Resume already viewed: You’ve already opened and seen these resumes in detail
  • Comments added: You’ve added comments to these resumes
  • Contacted by SMS: Candidate has already been contacted by SMS
Can I add notes to the resumes for additional information or future reference?

Yes, you can add additional notes to a resume by using the ‘Add comments’ option available at the top-right on the resume preview page.

Click on that option and enter the desired comments

How can I print a resume?

To print a resume, click on the resume heading from the resume listing page. This will show the resume preview in detail. Click on the ‘Print’ option and this’ll print the resume.

Is it possible to download the resumes that I like or wish to refer later on?
Yes. To download resume(s):
  • Login to your account and go to the folder from which you want to download the resumes.
  • Click on ‘Download resume(s)’
  • Specify the starting and ending index of the resumes you wish to download.
  • Click ‘download’
What is Resume Freshness?

Resume Freshness indicates when a candidate was last active on our site. You can search the resumes in ResumX based on the resume freshness.

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